Who we are
Our website address is: https://wyndham.wormlovers.com.au.
Website Privacy Statement
This privacy statement applies to the Wormlovers resident services for Wyndham City Council website.
This website privacy statement does not apply to other websites we may link to. We recommend you read their privacy policy when you access another site.
Anonymous access to our site
You can access and browse this web site anonymously, without disclosing your personal information. Details will be required if purchasing products on this site however.
Collection and use of site visit data
Cookies are used on our site, but they do not collect any personal information. For the most part they are sessional and just contain system-generated values to identify the user’s session for statistical and system administration purposes only.
Clickstream data refers to visitor logs and statistics that provide useful information about users’ online experience without identifying individuals. We collect the following clickstream data for statistical and system administration purposes:
- your server (or IP) address
- the day and time you visited the site
- the pages you visited on our site
- the address of the last page you visited
- the operating system you are using
- rough geographic location (down to the city)
- internet service provider (e.g. Telstra)
- the type of browser and version you are using.
To the extent that this data could make you identifiable, we will not attempt to identify individuals from the clickstream data unless required by law or to investigate improper activity in relation to this website.
Security of your personal data
This web site uses secure transmission facilities when appropriate (e.g. financial transactions). You should be aware that there are risks in transmitting information across the Internet. If you are concerned about conveying sensitive material over the Internet, you might prefer to contact us by telephone or mail.
Contact Us
Email to: hello@wormlovers.com.au